Promotion and presentation of fiction in academic libraries

A one-year concept based on literary awards and book fairs, with Klagenfurt University Library as an example


  • Florian Kubouschek
  • Raphaela Neumann
  • Lisa Trattner



academic library, fiction, marketing, literary awards, book fairs, concept development


Objective — As academic libraries focus on supporting research and teaching, the fiction sections located there are sometimes being pushed to the sidelines. Using the example of the Klagenfurt University Library, this publication aims to show that a well thought-out concept can lead to a significant increase in visibility and loans from the respective sections in the long term.

Methods — The project’s empirical findings were acquired in cooperation with Klagenfurt University Library and partially directly implemented. Based on the policies adopted by public libraries as well as findings in relevant specialist literature dealing with guidance systems and marketing measures for libraries, especially in the field of social media, presentation and promotion scenarios for fiction were drawn up.

Results — Evaluation of various literary awards and book fairs in German-speaking countries led to a selection of events that are ideally suited for the presentation and promotion of Klagenfurt’s fiction collection. On the basis of this selection, a one-year plan was prepared. A checklist guarantees clear structuring and conceptualization of promotion and presentation measures within the library.

Conclusions — The use of an easily applicable advertising concept can greatly increase the visibility of a fiction section and subsequently lead to improved loan numbers. Even though all considerations and measures were initially conceived for the Klagenfurt University Library in specific, they can certainly be advantageous for other libraries as well.





